Why?..............Why didn't someone talk to me?
Why didn't someone speak to the creator on my behalf?
At least He would have directed me....
He would have preserved me....
My innocence was as pure as a fresh flowing fountain
My inner peace like the air of Heaven
Till 'he' came
'he' yes........'he'
'he' told me it was okay to go through a few pictures
a few pictures of men and women wearing just their natural bodies
Flaunting the developed exact state of nature the creator made them in....then...
A few turned to many......became an everyday habit,heightened my happiness
But took away my joy
'he' quickly also whispered to me
Told me that the still pictures were not enough,
That the motion ones would make me happier
Then in secrecy....I consumed them....spanned through different sites and made friends with many
'he' handed to me a key.....the key to my own jail...
Through the desires of my heart I opened the jail
The contents of the jail seemed nice....appealed to me...
But caged me....brought me depression and guilt
'he' through the mouth of many and my peers told me that virginity and chastity were errors
That I've so much to enjoy and nothing to lose...
Didn't know it was a trap..
A trap to further take my innocence...
To take me further away from the one who loves me..THE CREATOR
The fruit tasted great and I made it a regular meal
Now.......Am stuck....
That which brought me happiness has taken my joy
That which gave me a bed to lie on has taken my sleep
I crave for my days of innocence!
When I had no knowledge of the fruit of good and evil
To you my friend
Flee from the constant pressing desires
Not by your strength or will power...But
Let guilt be far and receive His mercy
My innocence has come back
I asked Him to forgive and He did so
He acted and still acts like am still that young innocent child
Whose innocence was like a fresh flowing fountain
And whose peace was like the air of heaven