For a long time, supporters of gay marriage in the U.S. were in the minority. As early as last year, that started changing, and now, a solid majority of Americans support same-sex unions. As of Friday, they can count the Supreme Court as their ally: In a 5-4 decision, the justices ruled that LGBT individuals have a Constitutionally protected right to wed.On Friday, same-sex marriage supporters outside of the Supreme Court were giddy with delight. written by Owen Strachan (THOUGHT LIFE)
1. We should recognize that this is a dark hour for America. This development has not occurred in a vacuum. It is the realization of many decades of cultural decline. Our country’s identity has symbolically shifted from a Judeo-Christian nation to a neo-pagan one.
2. The Enlightenment has presently overwhelmed the Great Awakening. We have embraced a vision of sexuality and humanity that has nothing to do with biblical truth and traditional wisdom. A secular view of mankind scrubbed of religious ideals and driven by vague notions of “equality” has triumphed over the religious understanding of mankind as a created being responsible to obey and worship the Creator.
3. Adults have chosen to cater to themselves rather than to children. Marriage–the covenantal union of a man and a woman–blesses spouses. But it also serves to protect and care for children. Children need a father and a mother. With this ruling, we will now witness many children growing up in compromised homes. This development will cause real suffering in the lives of little boys and girls.
4. Rights now take precedence over duties in America. Our self-obsessed society has made good on its orientation. We now care more about personal rights, rights which have no constitutional precedent, than we do about duties to God, family, country, and community.
5. The church is now a marginalized community. Our witness has not carried the day in the public square. To a considerable degree, we now find ourselves at the mercy of those who disagree with us.
So what should we do?
We should do exactly what we have been doing. God is reigning now as he was before this ruling. Our lives are not determined by rulers of this world. They are shaped by the decrees of a greater ruler.
We should pray. We should ask the Lord to do a mighty work amidst the wreckage of this decision, to convert sinners, to rouse the church to moral witness, and to do unthinkable things in our time. We should petition God to grant us favor such that our churches and organizations will continue to flourish.
We should invest in the church. More than we’ve likely ever felt, our congregations are little outposts of the kingdom. We should help build our local churches and make clear to all we can that they are way stations of grace in the name of Jesus Christ. We now have a terrific opportunity to show people drawn to homosexuality that we really do love them, and that we are ready more than ever to receive them into membership through repentance and faith. We may be beaten in the broader culture at present, but we’re not keeping score. We’re not in this, ultimately, to win political victories (important as they are), but to minister grace and truth. We are thrilled to have the opportunity to do just that.
We should plunge back into the public square. This is a Supreme Court ruling. It’s a very big deal. But it’s only the latest such major event. We’ve seen slavery struck down in America; we’ve witnessed the long, slow death of Jim Crow in the twentieth-century. Christians of all people believe in divine reversals, shocking redemption, and Copernican revolutions. We are the people of hope. We’ve seen Abraham made into a mighty nation, Israel march out of Egypt, mighty Babylon and fierce Persia and lordly Rome crumble into ash, the church explode as the gospel slipped its first-century cage. We believe in a God of ridiculous power who does inconceivable things. From this backdrop, we are poised to plunge back into the public square out of love for neighbor and the pursuit of shalom for all people, including those who oppose us.
Lastly, we should cultivate our families and reinvest in our marriages. It’s right and even needed to seek the reversal of this decision and the undoing of its many baleful effects. We must and should do that, and every single Christian should participate meaningfully in the political system at every level they can. But let’s get this straight: our major work going forward, along with what I’ve said thus far, should in truth be the cultivation of our own gardens.
Let’s allow this decision to shock us back into taking stock of the log in our own eye. Let’s use it to motivate us to dig into our marriage and truly love our God-given spouse. Let’s recommit to loving our children in a distinctly biblical way. May this Supreme Court ruling awaken God’s people to display the beauty of complementarity as never before, to put the union of a self-sacrificial head to his loving bride on IMAX display wherever we are.
The church may feel shaken. The culture may seem to be crumbling. But God is on his own throne and his gospel is on the move. America is the new Rome. But Rome is where the message of Christ crucified and resurrected slipped its surly bonds. Rome is where the church flourished and grew despite terrific opposition. Rome tried to snuff out the light of Christ, but in total honesty, Rome failed miserably."
It is quite unfortunate that the United States of America is busy fighting ISIS but not knowing that she is already fighting a biological Jihad as the continuous practice of same-sex marriage certainly will lead to the extinction of humans.
Let me share this great article written by one of Nigeria's foremost publishers Adesuwa Onyenokwe the Publisher and Editor in-Chief of TW Magazine.
" Let’s keep the gay marriage rights laws away from our shores” - Adesuwa Onyenokwe
"I wonder if people have really thought about the implications of the American Supreme Court judgement in favour of gay marriages across the USA. Before that decision and Obama’s accent to the law, it was illegal in only 37 of the 52 states!
However this development is a 'yes' that may ripple around the world because the USA is the world’s big brother. They sneeze the rest of the world catches a cold. So that’s where my concern lies. Being gay will soon become ‘fashionable’.
Gay people are humans first and I respect that, but if it were a desirable state, then God wouldn’t have “created them , male and female” as the bible teaches! So I believe. Because God is all knowing and never makes mistakes, He also must have created gay people too, just like He created the sick and the poor that Christ says will always be with us!
What do we do with people with one defect or the other? We love them and help them live better lives, not legislate that their condition is acceptable. In other words I believe just like people with Downs Syndrome, for example, are minus one chromosome; people that exhibit gay tendencies are plus or minus one hormone either way.
With more female hormones (estrogen), a guy can be effeminate, and with more male hormones (testosterone), a girl can be masculine. My layman’s theory obviously but it is simple logic. It is also simple logic that if all men married men and women married women, where would the babies come from?
Maybe petri dishes in the laboratories? I know some will say not everyone is gay, but I wonder for how long that will be, because we all have tendencies to be adventurous and we may have many more people experimenting and going the lesbian or homosexual way.
The fact that it is taboo holds quite a number of people back from even trying it. When it comes to the human desires our bodies can be traitors and take pleasure from even the most bizarre, depending how far we are willing to go.
Barriers help reign our potentially wild desires in. My summary is that anyone can be gay. Period. Though the tendency may be higher in some than in others, still it is a matter of taste and sight. Also some might say barrier or not there are those who will try it anyway, I say yes but is that why we should make it a free way?
Please note I am not for discrimination against anyone whether I support their sexual preferences or not. They sure have rights. Since I do not understand ‘it’ forgive me if I say maybe they should seek more avenues to finding a ‘cure’ or a best way to manage ‘it’ otherwise, I fear the human specie may just go extinct like Pope Francis has rightly pointed out.
But like my 19 year old son says “God created the world and He can surely fix it”, but then He needs human eyes, ears, hands and feet to do so, which is why I am sharing my opinion hoping it would change a few minds to have us all canvassing that this condemnable law doesn’t ripple anywhere near our shores!
CREDIT: Adesuwa Onyenokwe (Publisher & Editor-In-Chief TW Magazine)
CREDIT: Samuel Chidiebere Francis (Founder PRAG)